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스타트업 커뮤니티 씬디스 (

Instituto de Pesquisa de Big Data do Shinhan Card, análise de tendências de consumo da geração 1020 com Carrit

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Texto resumido pela IA durumis

  • O Shinhan Card analisou as tendências recentes de consumo da geração 10 e 20 e descobriu características como visitas a museus de arte, uso de tecnologia de IA e uso de áreas comerciais de Hongdae.
  • Em particular, a geração 10 e 20 está mostrando um consumo ativo de conteúdo e alimentos como webtoons, jogos, Mala Tang e Tang-Hu-Lu, e as taxas de uso de restaurantes de salada e academias também são altas.
  • O Shinhan Card afirmou que se esforçará para fornecer serviços personalizados para entender as necessidades do futuro grupo de consumidores com base nessa análise.

Shinhan Card (CEO Moon Dong-kwon) announced on the 28th that it had analyzed the recent consumption trends of the “Zalpha generation” (Generation Z and Alpha), looking into what areas this generation, which is emerging as a major consumer group in the future, is interested in these days and where they are mainly consuming. The analysis was conducted in collaboration with trend media “Caret.”

First, they analyzed the use of cultural facilities, focusing on the trend of increasing mentions of “exhibitions,” “spaces,” and other cultural and artistic spaces through SNS, and participation in various cultural events such as “art fairs” and “media art.” According to the Shinhan Card Big Data Research Institute, an analysis of the number of visits to art museums and museums by age group from December 2023 to February 2024 revealed that the proportion of art museum visits (19.2%) among teenagers and people in their 20s was more than twice as high as the proportion of museum visits (8.0%). Furthermore, the proportion of female visitors was 70.7%, significantly higher than other age groups. In an era of high prices, art museums offer a relatively inexpensive way to enjoy a special experience and take “certification shots” to post on SNS. As more experiential and playful exhibitions emerge, teenagers and women in their 20s are showing a preference for art museums.

It was also found that teenagers and people in their 20s, who are digital natives, are rapidly embracing AI technology. When comparing the average monthly spending per transaction on major AI services, including ChatGPT, between last year and this year (January-February), by age group, the increase in spending was overwhelmingly high among teenagers and people in their 20s. Teenagers showed the highest increase rate at 43.2%, followed by people in their 20s at 38.0%. The increase in spending per person was also high, at 61.8% for teenagers and 66.0% for people in their 20s.

The Shinhan Card Big Data Research Institute also analyzed the data over the past five years (2019-2023) to see which areas people in their 20s frequent for dining out on weekends. While Jung-gu, home to Myeongdong, Chungmu-ro, and Namsan, was ranked first with the highest number of visits in 2019, Mapo-gu took the top spot in 2023 as consumption by people in their 20s shifted to the Hongdae, Hapjeong, and Sangsu commercial districts. Mapo-gu is attracting more attention as the Hongdae commercial district expands to Yeonnam and Mangwon, and the idol birthday cafe culture is concentrated in this area. Gangnam-gu and Jongno-gu followed closely behind. Meanwhile, the increase in the proportion of consumption by people in their 20s in Yeongdeungpo-gu and Seongdong-gu from 2019 to 2023 was the highest after Mapo-gu (+3.5%p). In the case of Yeongdeungpo-gu (+2.2%p), it is believed that the opening of The Hyundai Seoul had a significant impact, while Seongdong-gu (+1.9%p) is attracting attention as a mecca for delicious food and pop-up stores.

Teenagers and people in their 20s are also actively consuming paid content for webtoons and games. When looking at the proportion of paid game/webtoon subscription usage by age group over the past year in 2023, the Zalpha generation showed a higher usage rate than other age groups, at 43.2% for webtoons and 43.3% for games.

Furthermore, the popularity of mala tang and tang-hul, known for their stimulating and addictive flavors, remains strong. Based on the number of visits from December 2023 to February 2024, the proportion of mala tang users among teenagers (7.2%) and people in their 20s (26.1%) combined was 33.3%. A noteworthy point is that the proportion of users in their 40s was the highest across all age groups, at 30.3%. Considering that the average age of parents with teenage children is in their 40s, it is likely that the data for consumption on behalf of their children had an influence.

The number of tang-hul franchises increased by a whopping 13 times in 2023 compared to the previous year. Furthermore, based on the number of visits in 2023, teenagers and people in their 20s accounted for 38.8% of usage, demonstrating that they were the driving force behind the tang-hul craze. The popularity of mala tang and tang-hul can be seen as a reflection of the characteristics of this generation, which seeks immediate fun and enjoyment through short and intense stimulation, in their dietary habits.

While teenagers and people in their 20s have a preference for stimulating foods, they are also actively engaging in self-care consumption focused on health and detox. Looking at the usage trends of salad specialty stores and gyms in 2023, the 10-20 generation showed the highest usage rate among all age groups, at 32.5% and 26.9%, respectively. Along with growing interest in slow aging, a movement is emerging, particularly among teenagers and people in their 20s, to manage oneself through consistent diet and exercise from a young age. Health and fitness are increasingly viewed as a type of “specification.”

The Shinhan Card Big Data Research Institute expressed its excitement at being able to see the interests of teenagers and people in their 20s, who are emerging as a major consumer group in the future, based on the analysis of current consumption trends. They also stated that they will continue to provide services that meet the needs of customers through various trend analyses.


Shinhan Card
Public Relations Team
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