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스타트업 커뮤니티 씬디스 (

Flexcell Space, uma joint venture da Hanwha Systems, se prepara para testar células solares de novos materiais no espaço

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Texto resumido pela IA durumis

  • A Flexcell Space, uma joint venture da Hanwha Systems, assinou um acordo de cooperação com a Universidade de Inha para a colaboração em tecnologia de satélites e células solares.
  • A Flexcell Space fornecerá a célula solar flexível tandem espacial desenvolvida pela empresa para o satélite de observação da Universidade de Inha, e isso será lançado como uma carga útil secundária no lançamento do Nuri 4, previsto para o segundo semestre de 2025.
  • Este acordo é a primeira etapa para validar a aplicabilidade da célula solar tandem que combina CIGS e perovskita em um ambiente espacial, e espera-se que sirva como um trampolim para estabelecer uma posição dominante no mercado de células solares espaciais no futuro.

A Hanwha Systems (CEO Seongcheol Eo) in-house venture 'Flexell Space' and Inha University (President Myongwoo Jo) announced on the 13th that they will sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to strengthen cooperation on satellite and solar cell technology.

Through this agreement, Flexell Space and Inha University will focus on technological cooperation for satellite design innovation, expressing their intention to join forces in developing domestic space industry components and securing global leadership.

As a first step, Flexell Space will supply its 'space-grade tandem flexible solar cell', developed by Flexell Space, to Inha University's observation satellite 'INHARoSAT (INHA Rollable Solar Array Testbed·Inharoset)', which was selected as a sub-payload satellite for the Nuri-ho 4th launch scheduled for the second half of 2025.

Tandem solar cells, combining CIGS and perovskite, are attracting attention as a driving force for the development of the satellite and spacecraft industry due to their low cost, lightweight design, and high output compared to existing product lines. Flexell Space's tandem solar cells are flexible and can be rolled up and unrolled like a scroll, allowing customers to unfold the solar cells to their desired output and apply them to various satellite surfaces, including small areas and curved surfaces.

※ CIGS: Thin-film solar cell using a compound (Cu(In,Ga)Se2) consisting of four elements: copper (Cu), indium (In), gallium (Ga), and selenium (Se) as the light-absorbing layer material. It is characterized by its low production cost, lightweight, thinness, and excellent light absorption.
※ Perovskite: A solar cell that uses a material with a perovskite (Perovskite) crystal structure, such as calcium titanate (CaTiO3), as the light-absorbing layer. It is attracting attention as a next-generation solar cell that can replace existing silicon solar cells due to its low cost and easy mass production through solution processing, and can also be used in space.
※ Tandem solar cell: A next-generation solar cell that stacks two solar cells to enhance efficiency by complementarily absorbing solar light in different wavelength regions.

Flexell Space, an in-house venture of Hanwha Systems, is focusing on securing the space heritage of tandem solar cells to enhance their efficiency and reliability, while Inha University plans to incorporate innovative solar cell technology into satellite development to enhance its competitive edge in the space sector.

As the era of New Space has begun, while many space companies are making various attempts to use commercial components in space, some are still emphasizing the importance of space verification and space certification to reduce risks in the space environment.

Kiyoung Choi, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Inha University, said, “We will strive to achieve meaningful results that will contribute to the domestic aerospace industry through cooperation with Hanwha Systems Flexell Space.” He added, “We will continue to serve as a core research institute in space technology, successfully leading research and education related to domestic space development, and contributing to the fostering and activation of the space industry.”

Taehoon Ahn, Senior Researcher at Hanwha Systems and CEO of Flexell Space, said, “This is the first time in the world that tandem solar cells combining CIGS and perovskite are going into space.” He added, “This agreement is the first step in verifying the operability of future solar cells incorporating commercial technology, and it is expected to demonstrate the practical value of the technology by withstanding the actual space environment, which is characterized by extreme high and low temperatures due to radiation and solar heat.” Ahn also expressed his ambition, saying, “We will establish a dominant position in the global space solar cell market by verifying the performance of the world’s first new material solar cell.”

Through this verification, Hanwha Systems aims to accelerate the commercialization of space-grade tandem solar cells and contribute to the growth of the space industry by developing key components for various space projects, including satellite manufacturing, space exploration, and space power plants.


Hanwha Systems
Communication Team
Kim Soojin, Manager
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