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스타트업 커뮤니티 씬디스 (

Seoul Institute, '3e beleidforum' over het gebruik van satellietbeelden in Seoul

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Samengevat door durumis AI

  • Het Seoul Institute heeft op 29 mei een beleidforum georganiseerd met het thema 'Ruimtevaarttijdperk, een nieuwe uitdaging voor Seoul'.
  • Tijdens het forum werden besproken hoe het gebruik van satellietbeelden de efficiëntie en objectiviteit van het monitoren van stedelijke problemen in Seoul kan verbeteren, en de noodzaak om de ruimtevaartindustrie te bevorderen.
  • Seoul benadrukte dat door satellietbeelddaten te combineren, de real-time mogelijkheden van de digitale tweeling (S-Map) kunnen worden verbeterd en dat dit zal bijdragen aan de realisatie van Seoul als digitale koploperstad.

'Space age, a new challenge for Seoul' as the theme, the 3rd 'Seoul Institute Policy Forum' held

In an era emphasizing the rapid increase and utilization of satellites, it's time for Seoul to prepare for the use of satellite imagery

By integrating satellite imagery with various data, improving the efficiency and objectivity of monitoring urban problems

It is necessary to foster the satellite utilization industry as a future growth engine for Seoul, a city concentrated with education and businesses

The Seoul Institute (President Oh Gyun) will hold the '2024 Seoul Institute Policy Forum' on the theme of 'Space Age, a New Challenge for Seoul' at the Seoul Institute's Grand Conference Room at 3 pm on Wednesday, May 29th.

This policy forum is the third forum this year for the dissemination of the Seoul Institute's own research achievements. △Starting with the opening remarks by Oh Gyun, President of the Seoul Institute, △A presentation on the topic of 'Seeing Seoul from Space: Ways to Utilize Satellite Imagery in Seoul' by Shin Jeong-il, Deputy Research Fellow at the Digital City Research Division of the Seoul Institute, △Designated discussion, △Q&A, and △Comprehensive discussion will follow.

Deputy Research Fellow Shin Jeong-il, who will be presenting, will give a presentation on 'Ways to Utilize Satellite Imagery in Seoul' in light of the opening of the Korea Aerospace Agency and the New Space era.

Korea, which began developing artificial satellites and space launch vehicles in the 1980s, has now become a leading space nation. In the face of the New Space era centered around the private sector, the Korea Aerospace Agency has been established. In April, the launch of the first satellite among 11 ultra-small constellation satellites was successful, and multiple local governments, including Jinju, Busan, Daejeon, and Incheon, are developing their own satellites.

Deputy Research Fellow Shin suggested that, although the long shooting cycle and high expertise required of satellites have limited the use of satellite imagery by local governments until now, the increasing importance of satellite utilization due to the increase in both public and private satellites in the future means that Seoul also needs to actively utilize satellite imagery in its operations.

He also proposed the 'Establishment of a Seoul Satellite Imagery Utilization Ecosystem' by integrating satellite imagery with various sensor, measurement, and administrative data in Seoul based on the results of pilot analysis of satellite imagery for ground subsidence, green space changes, and building changes, thereby improving the efficiency and objectivity of monitoring various urban problems.

Deputy Research Fellow Shin emphasizes that through the establishment of this ecosystem, the real-time nature of Seoul's digital twin (S-Map) can be enhanced, and customized data can be provided so that even non-experts can easily utilize it in city administration, thereby contributing to the realization of Seoul as a digital leading city. He also suggested the need to foster the satellite utilization industry as a future growth engine for Seoul and to cooperate in order for local governments to lead in the utilization of satellites.

The designated discussion session will be attended by △Choi Jun-young, Director of the Future Space Research Division of the Seoul Institute (Chair), △Kim Tae-jeong, Professor at Inha University and President of the Korean Society of Remote Sensing, △Wi Kwang-jae, CEO of GeoStory, △Yoo Byung-min, Chief of the Space Measurement Team of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and △Lee Ho-hyeong, Director of the National Satellite Center of the National Geographic Information Institute.

Oh Gyun, President of the Seoul Institute, said, “This forum will be an important opportunity to further accelerate Seoul's digital innovation. We will continue to strive to become a truly integrated innovative research institution by strengthening our future forecasting capabilities and developing policy services using AI, satellite imagery, and other technologies.”


Seoul Institute
Research Performance Dissemination Team
Yun Jeong-hee in charge
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