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스타트업 커뮤니티 씬디스 (

Wiehome, kortingen op unieke accommodaties in Busan voor de Sale Festa

  • Taal van de tekst: Koreaans
  • Referentieland: Alle landen country-flag

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Samengevat door durumis AI

  • Wiehome neemt deel aan de '2024 Koreaanse Accommodatie Sale Festa', die van 28 mei tot en met 14 juli loopt, en biedt accommodaties in Busan met kortingen tot 50.000 won.
  • De campagne wordt georganiseerd door het Ministerie van Cultuur, Sport en Toerisme en de Korea Tourism Organization, met als doel om het binnenlandse toerisme te stimuleren. De campagne is opgedeeld in een speciale regionale editie en een hoofdevenement.
  • Wiehome selecteert en beveelt unieke en stijlvolle accommodaties aan, waaronder ontspannende accommodaties met uitzicht op zee en accommodaties met uitzicht op de Gwangan-brug, en draagt ​​daarmee bij aan de bevordering van binnenlandse accommodaties.

Special accommodaties in Busan for up to €50, immediate discount

The home-sharing platform Wehome ( announced on the 23rd that it will participate in the '2024 Republic of Korea Accommodation Sale Festa' as a home-sharing platform, which will be held from May 28th to July 14th.
This event, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization, aims to revitalize domestic tourism and issues discount coupons for accommodation to travelers.

The Accommodation Sale Festa is composed of a regional special planning event that starts on May 28th and the main event that takes place from June 3rd. Accommodation is possible from May 28th to July 14th, and reservations can be made until June 30th. A €50 discount coupon is provided for the regional special planning event, and a maximum of €30 discount coupon is provided for the main event until it is sold out on a first-come, first-served basis.

"We are pleased to be able to offer special accommodations that can only be experienced at Wehome at a discounted price," said Wehome manager Isebin. "We hope that through this opportunity, many people will be able to enjoy Wehome's differentiated home-sharing experience."

Meanwhile, home-sharing in Busan is very popular. This is possible because the home-sharing demonstration special case was expanded to Busan in October last year. Wehome plans to recommend unique and stylish home-sharing accommodations, from healing ocean-view accommodations to accommodations with views of the Gwangan Bridge, at this event.

With Wehome's participation, this '2024 Republic of Korea Accommodation Sale Festa' is expected to provide a more diverse accommodation experience without the burden of price, and to contribute to the revitalization of domestic home-sharing.

Wehome introduction

Wehome is the No. 1 home-sharing platform in South Korea (based on legal accommodations). It offers unique accommodations and new travel experiences. It is the only platform where Koreans can enjoy home-sharing legally. Wehome is a government-certified platform, making it reliable and safe, as well as convenient with easy payment and fast customer service. Compared to global platforms, it is also 50% cheaper with a refundable fee. Through Wehome's demonstration special case, legal home-sharing is now possible for anyone in Seoul and Busan.

Wehome Accommodation Sale Festa:
Korea Tourism Organization information page:
Wehome home-sharing:


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